
breeding season

Pokie does not want to wait for the bucks to be brought. She doesn't care for the farmer's math, which says it's best not to have kids in February. When Jasmine and I moved the goats this morning to begin milking, she wandered over to Sundance and Iggy's pen, tail wagging and showing her gums. Both bucks perked up and began sniffing the air. In the words of Michelle Tea: girlstink. Bucks pee on themselves in order to attract ladies. Don't stand too close to Sundance, Cathy warns. He might pee on you.

Sorry, Pokie. You have to wait. (But we don't: make out in the orchard like furtive teenagers)

1 comment:

  1. making out in the orchard like furtive teenagers. Yes! Oh. That sounds amazing.


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