
Not a Bang But a Whimper

I really want to be writing about what a lovely swelter of September day today is; about how my very own papa is sitting across the table from me working merrily away whilst I work merrily away at the same table and my daughter's papa is working in our study and our daughter is sleeping, on her tummy, on a handmade quilt on the floor; or about how we ate little quiches for lunch that were delicious partly because they were so wee; or about how I still can't locate the source of all that hammering; or about how my jade plant seems to need more and less light simultaneously; or about how yesterday I went to a place called Float Matrix and entered a pod that made me think Rod Serling was going to start describing my life as an episode of "The Twilight Zone" but instead of hearing Rod Serling I heard mostly nothing as I floated on Epsom Salt saturated waters for an hour and let my body re-align. There's so much I could be writing about. But my tenure packet is due very very very soon. So, for the limited audience whose responsibility it is to read tenure packets, I'll be writing about my contributions to the campus, the community, and the classroom instead.

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