
the planchette missive


  1. I see you little ballerina ghost in the upper right-hand side. Your tutu glows.

  2. I see you little ballerina ghost in the upper right-hand side. Your tutu glows.

    From my little plank, messages spelled out in phosphorescent motion.

  3. I see you little ballerina ghost in the upper right-hand side. Your tutu glows.

    From my little plank, messages spelled out in phosphorescent motion.

    There are whirs, there are bright lights, there is wind, but there are no marks on this paper.

  4. I see you little ballerina ghost in the upper right-hand side. Your tutu glows.

    From my little plank, messages spelled out in phosphorescent motion.

    There are whirs, there are bright lights, there is wind, but there are no marks on this paper.

    Presage (precursor and heroine). The traces by sand, a fait accompli.


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