
Dear Kristen Stone,

I am sorry about your finger, but am glad to hear you only sliced it open rather than having sliced it off. That sort of thing happens on farms all the time, the slicing off of fingers. I saw that awful movie Fast Food Nation just after my daughter was born. I shouldn't have. I can't really deal with reality these days because then I start thinking about the horrible things that could happen to my dear little girl. So then I just start writing thank you cards instead. They are nice and they make the world a bit of a better place, I think. And they also consume time, which I would possibly otherwise be spending watching movies about horrible things that happen to common people, so that's another plus for thank you cards.

That's where I am right now, at my table about to write a slew of thank you cards. Though I don't think that answers your question. I think you wanted to know where in the world I am.

I'm in a place where even the grocery stores sell farm stand produce, where there are more year around farmer's markets than I can count, and where today the air smells a little bit like ocean. It's like heaven to me, though I will admit it comes at a 25% premium, like the best cable channels and the better grade of sweater. Plus there are earthquakes, which dissuades some, and a generalized attachment to avocados, which turns folks off as well. I don't mind that people poo poo Oakland. More for me, I say. More. For. Me.


  1. Hi C,

    That sounds great. I am from the other ocean, and the west coast has always seemed so far away to me. Like another country, you have to cross jagged mountain passes to get there. Or so that is my impression. You seem like an incredibly kind person.

    After I first got my dog, I had a terrible dream that I allowed my friend Mariah to kill him with a knife. When I woke up I was so relieved that I had a second chance that I've always tried to be very good to him, even though he is extremely obnoxious.

    Avocados! When I move back to florida to start an organic orchard, there will be a whole grove of avocados. Delicious green fatty avocados.

  2. I will come to your farm and eat avocados if you will have me.

    They are different in Florida, more water and less fatty, which is strange because Californians, as a rule (though I am excepted) hate fat. Dad found fat free 1/2 and 1/2 in the store yesterday and was perplexed.


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