
I stole this word-fodder from Adam's set lists. (Thank you, Brother)

I hover on air
a moth
not afraid to slow down

But having gone through chrysalis
I am afraid of capture
Looping the whole time
1 2 3 no escape

I am afraid yours is a quite voice
and a loud chorus

These quiet Sunday mornings
will change soon
we will scratch

I will say come in

You will come in

You will turn on

You will turn off

I can not imagine you 
in auto color
Not now
when you are reds and sepias
and your star eye veins
Now you are painted like a snake
All of you

I want more like you
I want more you
I want more
I want

I want a loud verse
and a quiet chorus
Some time to breath in between
explosions of sound

I want pauses where our entire orchestra goes quiet
a pause for the flutist to catch her breath
a pause for the dancer to stretch her arches off stage
And then again the strings
and then again the wind

Flower of Life
you tremble in perfection
a growing thing
I smell you carefully
Polination is followed by death

And and...
sometimes I drop out
or turn Kali
with hungry ghost love

You sing a song
I have never heard before
but sometimes I think
I am an alchemical base 
Can you sing to copper?

day possibility
night terror
night possibility
day terror

Have you seen the aurora?
I imagine it is more beautiful
than I can imagine
more beautiful than a painted snake
I imagine it will be
mystically significant

So what if it just
pretty lights in the sky?

I look at the prism in my window
Hanging where it never
gets enough sun to rainbow

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