
When did you suffer the most?

I have already asked some of you this question via email and some of you have already responded via email. For the repetition, to you Lovelies, I apologize. However, to those who I haven't already asked this question and to those who haven't responded yet:

 I am doing a writing project inspired by Equisite pain a book by Sophie Calle where she asks her friends and fellow artists this question: When did you suffer the most? They each answered in a few paragraphs. A quick answer navigated by instinct over a cup of espresso or a half a glass of wine.

So I ask of you my friends and fellow artists, When did you suffer the most?

If you are willing to answer this question in a comment, I would be grateful. I also promise to give you a lollipop the next time I see you in flesh.

1 comment:

  1. hi ok. i'm going to think on this and get back to you, once i can use the internet in the privacy of my "own" "home." i don't want to write about pain at the one coffee shop in town during sunday evening dinner rush and Live Music about to begin


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