
excess; overflow; the limits of genre (et cetera)

i watched my dog try to run into his crate holding a stolen baguette that was longer than his door was wide. spatial reasoning challenge, little friend.

overheard at the market:
elderly gentleman buys a quart of milk, the fancy unhomogenized milk in the glass bottles that make a satisfying sound when they make contact with one another. his female companion asks, "you want me to drive so you can drink milk?"

non-rhetorical question:
why do tennis balls need to be "sealed for freshness"?

1 comment:

  1. I love the simplicity but necessity of milk and bread. How each, attached to event, resonate through the rest of the day.

    As for the tennis balls, perhaps to preserve the "bounce"? Do they have to have a certain moisture for optimum bouncing? And you know that smell they have? I love the smell of new tennis balls. Maybe it's to keep the smell fresh.


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