
Where I write

These are the most recent addition to my writing space. They are two word/objects rescued from my wallet yesterday. I have been carrying these bits of napkin around with me for over two months, trying to learn their lessons. Now they live here, by my writing desk so they don't crumple up any more. At first I liked that they were getting weathered, then my priorities changed. And I wrapped them in electrical tape.

There are also bits of napkins, which will be recycled after recording them here, that say:

"The ink came from the veins of my mother"


"Offensive advance
capturing two would
lessen the larger threat"


  1. Kate- Blogger alphabetizes the labels. That is what is going on. They make them so...orderly. -K

  2. yesyesyes
    these are very interesting-

    keyboard keys on the floor.

  3. I love this. I would love to lollygag on the floor. Just lay there or read a book or write by hand while you write among these. Have you read Jen Hofer's one? The quote reminds me of her book. And you (and JenMarie) inspire this morning's direction.

  4. These are totally great.

  5. You are so smart to wrap them in that black tape to keep the electricity in.

    I love your haven and all of your ghosts there.


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